Saraswathi Jois

Intensive Ashtanga Week Cologne

29.09. - 03.10.2023

Led Classes Full Primary & Chanting Sessions | 29.09. - 03.10.2023

Daily Program 07:00 - 09:00

If necessary 2nd batch is from 09:30 - 11:30

Conference  after last class

Location: tba

Saraswathi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Intensive Week Workshop Yoga Ashtanga



We are very grateful and honored to welcome SARASWATHI JOIS at SantoshaYoga for her first time teaching in Cologne!

"Let everything come in it's own time. A plant and tree needs proper time to grow under right conditions, why shold we human beings be any different. To grow into Yoga means growing into life, proper conditions need to be there, but when start to feel it; you will come to know it is real."

"Let life guide you by listenting to your own heart"
Saraswathi Jois

Studying Yoga & Sanskrit

Saraswathi was born in 1941. She is the daughter of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and mother of Sharath and Sharmila. From the age of 10-22 she practiced steadily under the guidance of her father, until taking on family responsabilities. Saraswathi was the first woman ever to be permitted admission to the Sanskrit College in Mysore where she studied the basic Sanskrit works and learnt Yoga from her father. Playfully she begun exploring various Yoga postures from an early age, but took up a consistent practice from the age of ten.

Starting a Yoga revolution

For many years she assisted her father in yoga classes. In 1975 she started her own classes at a local temple, for eleven years teaching only women. In 1986 Saraswathi started a revolution in the Mysore community by teaching men and women together in a mixed class. This was a radical change to local tradition and was criticized by many people. But she kept it up, deciding to teach Yoga in the best way she found proper and gained great respect in the Mysore community. In 2002 she once again started teaching with her father at the KPJAYI in Gokulam.
For Saraswathi, Yoga has always been the major influence of her life. 

ASHTANGA INTENSIVE WEEK | 29.09. - 03.10.2023

Led Classes Full Primary & Chanting Sessions

Daily Program 07:00 - 09:00 

If necessary 2nd batch is from 09:30 - 11:30

Conference  after last class

All levels welcome. Previous experience with Ashtanga Yoga is highly recommended.

Location: tba



  . flat 5 days  320 €

  . drop in single class 70,- €

(10% discount for SantoshaYoga students with 6-/9-/12-month flat)

All other cards/flats are not valid for the classes with Saraswathi.

Sign up here



Eine verbindliche Anmeldung erfolgt mit dem Tag des Zahlungseingangs. Bei einer Stornierung durch den/die Teilnehmer/in werden folgende Teilnahmegebühren erstattet:
- Bis 2 Wochen vorher: 80%
- Bei einer späteren Stornierung ist eine Erstattung nicht möglich.